Member of British special forces unit Delta Red. Distinguished herself in the operation against Shadaloo, with which she shares a fated connection. Hyper-competent but somewhat moody. Currently working at HQ.

Hates: Everything (if she's grumpy)

Likes: Cats

Height: 5'5

Weight: 134 lbs

  • L Spiral Arrow

  • L Cannon Spike

  • Hooligan Combination(Charged)

  • OD Hooligan Combination

  • Fatal Leg Twister(Charged)

  • Forward Dash

  • Lift Uppercut

  • M Quick Spin Knuckle

  • SA3 Delta Red Assault

  • Perfect Parry (strike)

  • SA2 Aerial Killer Bee Spin

  • Backward Dash

  • L Quick Spin Knuckle

  • Cannon Strike

  • Reverse Edge

  • Reverse Edge(Charged)

  • Drive Impact: Spin Raider

  • M Spiral Arrow

  • H Quick Spin Knuckle

  • OD Reverse Edge

  • OD Spiral Arrow

  • Drive Reversal: Countersnipe

  • OD Cannon Strike

  • Rough Landing

  • Parry Drive Rush

  • Lift Combination

  • Assault Blade

  • H Cannon Spike

  • Drive Parry

  • Delayed Ripper

  • M Cannon Spike

  • OD Cannon Spike

  • Silent Step

  • Swing Combination

  • Hooligan Combination

  • Fatal Leg Twister

  • SA1 Spin Drive Smasher

  • Delta Throw

  • Silent Step(Charged)

  • H Cannon Spike(Charged)

  • OD Quick Spin Knuckle

  • Cannon Strike

  • Cancel Drive Rush

  • OD Fatal Leg Twister

  • SA2 Killer Bee Spin

  • H Spiral Arrow

  • OD Cannon Strike

  • OD Silent Step

  • Leg Scissors Choke

  • Perfect Parry (projectile)

  • H Spiral Arrow(Charged)

  • Cannon Strike(Charged)

  • CA Delta Red Assault